Across the Archdiocese of Baltimore, parishes will mark All Saints’ Day Nov. 1 and Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day), Nov. 2.
According to Monsignor Robert J. Jaskot, chancellor for the archdiocese, Masses celebrated during the day on Nov. 1 will be for the solemnity of All Saints. Because this day, which is usually a holy day of obligation, falls on a Saturday this year, the obligation to attend Mass is commuted to Nov. 2
Monsignor Jaskot noted that the Nov. 2 All Souls’ Day takes precedence over Sunday of the 30th week in ordinary time; therefore, the vigil Masses on Saturday (after 4 p.m.) and all Masses on Sunday will be for All Souls.
To celebrate All Saints’ Day, the staff of St. Joseph, Cockeysville, agreed to hold a family vocations night Nov. 1, following a 4 p.m. Mass in which first-graders will dress as saints and process in with the priest. The 5:15-7:30 p.m. vocations night will begin with dinner and musical entertainment by youth and young adults, according to Father Roque Lim, associate pastor. Afterward, a panel consisting of a bishop, a priest, a deacon and his wife, a brother, a nun, a married couple and possibly others will speak for five minutes each about their vocation. Father Lim said a question and answer period will follow each speaker. The evening will help guests discern their vocation and what God is calling them to do, Father Lim said.
“We’re all called to be saints,” he said.
On Nov. 2, the parish will celebrate All Souls’ Day with a candlelight concert/prayer service for all members of St. Joseph who have died this past year. The concert/service begins at 5:30 p.m. in the church.
To attend the family vocations night at St. Joseph, please RSVP to or 410-683-0600, ext. 2506.