Schools should have been closed on inauguration day

The recent article “Catholics to tune in for inauguration” (CR, Jan. 15) was both interesting and disappointing. The decision rendered to keep schools open on inauguration day bespoke of cultural inadequacy and the added policy of recording a student’s absence as “unexcused” raised once again gross insensitivity. The policy served as a barrier of evangelization and raises our concern for our Catholic school system in affirming families who took the inauguration as an opportunity for both civic as well as educational enhancement. Some young people attended the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Mass at New All Saints, went on retreat and saw the inauguration of President Barack Obama as an act of the sweeping hand of God in history. As our teachers and parents increase our awareness of bigotry and racism, this decision did not set well among many people of color.

The writers are students at the Institute of Notre Dame and St. Frances Academy, respectively.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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