‘Green index’ has unseen ramifications

After reading about the Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility’s “green” index” (CR, Feb. 26), I was struck by the fact that I was reading this article on paper that is distributed by carbon-emitting U.S. Postal Service vehicles.

Moreover, even if The Catholic Review is printed on 100 percent recycled paper, its “carbon footprint” is undoubtedly higher than if the publication came out solely online. Not all Catholic Review subscribers will have ready access to the Internet, but perhaps The Review could find out which readers do and stop delivering paper to our doors.

In addition, mostly online distribution may allow The Review to cut staff. The “redundant” staffers and their families undoubtedly will consume less, which will help cut down overall carbon dioxide emissions associated with manufacturing, growing food, and transportation. What a virtuous circle!

Of course, the affected staffers may not agree. When it comes down to living one’s life and surviving until another day – activities that all entail the emission of carbon – individuals instinctively recognize the need for a balance between economic realities and environmental care.

The same probably should be kept in mind concerning companies rated by the ICCR. Reducing a firm’s carbon footprint may be a noble goal, but it must be one that is balanced against the other economic challenges that the company faces.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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