I was so thrilled to see a column by Archbishop O’Brien (CR, July 23) about Natural Family Planning (NFP). My husband and I use NFP and feel it enriches our marriage and strengthens our family. Only the Couple to Couple League (CCL) was mentioned as an NFP method. Last fall I traveled to Omaha, to the Pope Paul VI Institute, to become a Creighton Model Fertility Care Practitioner. While CCL is a respected and accepted method of NFP, the Creighton Model is gaining popularity because it reaches out to any woman at any point in her life. It goes beyond helping a couple identify their fertility. It also addresses infertility issues and gynecologic problems. It is truly a fascinating approach to women’s health and true family planning. It’s important for women to know they have options. For more information, e-mail me at Jtomkonfp@aol.com.