Thomas Little, former pastoral associate for Eastern Vicariate, dies at 76
Radio Interview: American politics and two-party dominance
Archbishop Lori announces appointments, including pastor and associate pastor assignments
National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton opens celebration of 50th anniversary of patron’s canonization
Radio Interview: A conversation with the Baltimore Ravens’ team chaplain
Your pastorate is named Resurrection – St. Paul. Together – pastor and parishioners – may you bear witness to the new and risen life that is ours by baptism in water and the Spirit, and like St. Paul may you be intrepid missionaries here in Howard County for the glory of God and the sanctification of his people! May God bless you, Fr. Aaron, together with your pastorate family, and keep you always in his love!Read More
It’s my hope and prayer that this time we spend together will be helpful as you seek God’s will, as you seek to discover how the Lord is asking you to put your life at the service of his Church.Read More
We’ve gathered for this installation on the beautiful feast of the Epiphany. We celebrate that day when the Savior of the World was made manifest by a star that attracted the Magi from the East.Read More
This year will mark the 50th anniversary of Mother Seton’s canonization. Let us prepare for that great event by reflecting on her life and in God’s grace let us absorb the lessons of her life, such that we too will be accounted pilgrims of hope on the road to holiness.Read More
Mary’s maternal vocation also extends to you and me. She is Mother of the Church and that means she is our spiritual mother, yours and mine. She loves us and prays for us and understands us more than we know. Continually, she leads us to Jesus.Read More
“Let us pray for migrants, refugees, and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a more human world, might always be respected.”
“We are called to be a light brightly visible, not to proclaim ourselves but to proclaim Christ Jesus as Lord.” – Archbishop William E. Lori
Archbishop William E. Lori offers his homily during the opening Mass of the 136th Supreme Convention of the Knight of Columbus at the Baltimore Convention Center August 7. (Kevin J. Parks/CR Staff)
Welcome to the Archdiocese of Baltimore
God calls the Catholics of the Archdiocese of Baltimore to be a welcoming, worshipping community of faith, hope, and love. Through his Spirit, the Lord Jesus lives in those who believe, and reaches into our world with his saving message and healing love.
Thomas Edward Little of Catonsville, a former pastoral associate for the Eastern Vicariate of the Archdiocese of Baltimore & pastoral associate for evangelization & adult faith formation at Our Lady of the Fields Church in Millersville, was an energetic educator, an astute organizer & well-known for his love of singing, Notre Dame football & tropical shirts.
Thomas Edward Little of Catonsville, a former pastoral associate for the Eastern Vicariate of the Archdiocese of Baltimore and pastoral associate for evangelization and adult faith formation at Our Lady of the Fields in Millersville, was an energetic educator, an astute organizer and well-known for....
One week left! Nominations for the Archdiocesan Medals of Honor close on Friday, Jan. 17. Nominate a Catholic in your parish or school community who is shining Christ’s love in the areas of evangelization, liturgy, education, service and stewardship? Details here > >