
Policies and Procedures for New Construction, Renovations and Maintenance Projects

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The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore, with the support of his advisors (the College of Priest Consultors and Board of Financial Administration), has promulgated various policies and related procedures for New Construction, Renovations and Maintenance Projects (Projects).

The purpose of this Web site is to establish policies and procedures to those engaged in the development and execution of Projects for the Archdiocese of Baltimore (AOB).

The Department of Management Services (DMS) has been assigned responsibility for the oversight and administration of the temporal goods of the Church. The Executive Director of the DMS is the primary contact for the initiation of the project approval process.

These policies and procedures are reviewed by the Archdiocesan Building Commission (ABC). The Commission membership includes pastors and construction professionals with significant experience and technical expertise in the successful performance of capital projects. The Commission provides general advice in the development of policies and procedures, as well as recommends approval of all AOB projects to the Archbishop.

The Divisions within the DMS have various roles in the support of the Executive Director, Pastors and Parishes, volunteers and staff, at the various stages of a project.

The primary contact is with the Division of Facilities Management (DFM). The contact begins with the project concept and continues through the project’s completion and warranty under the control of the Project Manager from the DFM as the Owner’s representative.

The Division of Fiscal Services is a key resource in the review of cost and operating projections, and in project finance. The Division can also assist in any campaign tracking and investment of campaign receipts.

The Division of Information Technology provides assistance in the assessment and evaluation of technology needs (computers, wiring, phone and security systems), RFPs, cost comparisons, etc.

The Office of Risk Management is involved in bonding and risk coverage during and after completion. If the project is related to replacement or repair from an accident, fire or other physical damage, the Risk Management assists in obtaining insurance funds for covered losses.

The Department of Development provides support for the evaluation of fund-raising opportunities, consultants and techniques.

The Department of Catholic Schools and the Department of Evangelization is available to provide support in the evaluation of program needs and faculty requirements for both Catholic schools and Parish Religious Education.

For further explanations and/or comments, contact either the Department of Management Services (410-547-5587 or Mgmtserv@archbalt.org) or the Division of Facilities Management (410-547-5366 or Facserv@archbalt.org). For a complete list of contacts, click Contacts.

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For a graphic overview of the project development process, click on Projects Lifecycle.

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