Archbishop William E. Lori sent the following email message to parishioners throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore March 13.
Wednesday, March 13, 2018
Dear Friends in Christ,
Our Christian and Catholic faith compels us to speak out on matters that stand in violation of the dignity of the human person. Here in the State of Maryland, members of the General Assembly are considering legislation that would legalize physician-assisted suicide. This, of course, would violate God’s most sacred gift and enable individuals to arbitrarily decide when life is no longer worthwhile – no longer worth living.
Just days after the Maryland House of Delegates narrowly voted 74 to 66 to advance legislation legalizing physician-assisted suicide, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee is expected to meet as early as this Thursday, March 14, to consider advancing its version of the bill, SB 311, to the Senate floor for a vote.
If passed, the bill would allow terminally ill patients to be prescribed a lethal dose of a controlled dangerous substance, which they would then pick-up at their local pharmacy and ingest without medical supervision to end their life. This bill, in addition to having no regard for the worth and dignity of every human life, establishes suicide as a societal norm, places large quantities of Schedule II prescription drugs into our communities with no measures in place for take-back or disposal, and leaves those suffering from mental illness, persons with developmental and intellectual disabilities, and our elderly at risk of coercion and undue influence by family members or caregivers.
Both chambers must agree on and pass the same version of the bill in order for it to be sent the Governor for a signature or veto, so there is still time to stop this dangerous bill from passing in Maryland!
I invite all Catholics across the Archdiocese of Baltimore to voice their opposition and to take action to oppose the so-called “End of Life Option Act.” We have made it easy to do so – and ask you to go to this specially-designated website that will register your opposition to State lawmakers. It only takes a moment. Please click HERE
Thank you for witnessing to our common faith and standing with us against this legislation that would allow the casual disregard for God’s greatest gift – human life.
Faithfully in Christ,
Most Reverend William E. Lori
Archbishop of Baltimore