We are credible witnesses to Christ only if we have a heart for the poor, and only if we ‘live in this passing world with our heart set on the world to come!’Read More
Thank you, Fr. David, for embracing this parish, its people, its neighborhoods, and its ministries. This is what we celebrate today as we listen again to God’s Word and welcome the light it sheds on your ministry as Pastor of St. Ambrose.Read More
If we are faithful to these Lenten disciples, we will experience a new depth of joy when we solemnly celebrate of the Lord’s Death and Resurrection.Read More
In English 4 de marzo de 2025 Queridos amigos en Cristo: Quizás pensemos que la Cuaresma es una temporada triste, pero en realidad es una temporada de alegría y misericordia, un período de 40 días lleno de gracia en el que podemos experimentar una nueva primavera en nuestra vida espiritual. La Cuaresma es un tiempo...Read More