
September 26, 2024

Apreciemos la vida: Vote “no” a la Pregunta 1 de Maryland

In English Un mensaje del Arzobispo de Baltimore, William Lori 23 de septiembre de 2024 Queridos amigos en Cristo: Como católicos fieles, creemos que cada persona está hecha a imagen y semejanza de Dios y, por lo tanto, tiene una dignidad inviolable y merece respeto y protección. Nuestra enseñanza social católica refleja esta creencia en...
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archbishop Lori

Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Hispanic Heritage School Mass

The reason we have this school – Archbishop Borders – is to help you preserve your Hispanic heritage, grow in your faith, and develop your potential. We are counting on you to be leaders in the Church and in society and in that way to honor the heritage that is yours.
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Archbishop Lori’s Message on Faithful Citizenship

The countdown to the election in the United States is on, and with it comes important decisions for us as believers and citizens. To assist in reaching those decisions, I wish to share a teaching document from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on political responsibility, “Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility.”
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