
June 10, 2024

Ready, Set, Goal! Catholic Youth Sports

Participating in Catholic Youth Sports in the Archdiocese of Baltimore advances the holistic development of young athletes by nurturing their spiritual, social, emotional, and physical well-being within a faith-centered environment. Promoting Christ-centered values like teamwork and perseverance helps young people deepen their understanding of their faith and the important part that they, like all of...
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Imagine the Disorienting Moment: A Family Member Has Been Incarcerated

Imagine the disorienting moment a family experiences when they receive the news: a loved one has been incarcerated. Time seems to stop for both the imprisoned and for their family left behind, both facing uncertain futures fraught with confusion and isolation. In these stressful moments, the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Prison Ministry steps in to help,...
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archbishop Lori

Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 10th Sunday, State Deputies Meeting

The effects of original sin, and the shattering of unity that comes with it are real. But the mercy of God revealed in Christ has conquered all things, restoring that unity God intended from the foundation of the world.
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archbishop Lori

Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the heart of our Mother, a heart pierced by the sword of sorrow at the suffering of her Son, the heart in which she pondered all the things that God had done and would do through her, the heart of a mother and...
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archbishop Lori

Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Be the first witness to the Sacred Heart, to Charity in the flesh, to Charity that is real. When we do this, we reflect a love that comes from God, a God who is real, a God who is among us, a God who loves us with a heart made of flesh.
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