
May 18, 2024
archbishop Lori

Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Diaconate Ordination

Dear brothers, so soon to be ordained: In St. Matthew, St. Paul, and Pope Francis you have found a path for approaching the mystery about to be enacted in the depths of your spirit. You, as all of us in ordained ministry, must rely on the mercy of God.
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Archbishop Lori talking

Mensaje del Arzobispo Lori sobre Busquemos la Ciudad Venidera

In English 17 de mayo del 2024 Queridos amigos en Cristo, Durante más de dos años se han llevado a cabo las consultas de la iniciativa Busquemos la Ciudad Venidera. Agradezco a todos los que participaron en este proceso, ya sea en sus parroquias o en una de las muchas reuniones regionales o de la...
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Archbishop Lori talking

Archbishop Lori on Seek the City

In the days to come, I invite you to keep your eyes fixed on the Lord and on the mission that he has entrusted to us all. Let us come together as a family of faith, “striving to preserve the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Eph 4:3).
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archbishop Lori

Dedication of Resurrection Church

I joyfully congratulate you on this day of re-dedication and consecration, and as we await the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, I join you in prayer, in this our upper room, for a fresh outpouring of the Spirit, such that Resurrection Parish will radiate far and wide the glory of God shining...
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