
November 17, 2022

Mensaje del Arzobispo Lori sobre la moción para publicar el Informe del Fiscal General

Al leer la moción de hoy, sentimos una renovada vergüenza, un profundo remordimiento y una sincera simpatía, muy especialmente hacia aquellos que sufrieron por las acciones de los representantes de la misma Iglesia a quienes se confió su bienestar espiritual y físico.
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Message from Archbishop Lori on motion to release Attorney General Report

Archbishop William E. Lori has made the following statement on a motion to release the Maryland Attorney General's report on the archdiocese’s handling of child sexual abuse allegations dating back to the 1940s.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: “Radical Solidarity and the Protection of Preborn Life”

Dear brother bishops, as disciples of the Savior who assumed our human nature in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, let allow the Holy Spirit to unite us that we may speak with one voice and one heart in proclaiming the Gospel of Life and in defending human life from the moment of conception...
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