
January 30, 2020

‘You ain’t never had a friend like Him’

God is not a genie; but he is intimately fond of us. He would do anything for you – not because he is our slave, but because he is nothing but love.
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Catholic leaders disappointed by ruling limiting immigrant aid

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Charities USA and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, known as CLINIC, expressed disappointment with the Supreme Court's Jan. 27 order allowing the Trump administration to go forward with a new rule meant to limit immigrants' use of government benefit programs.
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Impassioned support for life

Marching in Washington, D.C., or Annapolis are important ways to make your voice heard on life issues, but if you want to make a “powerful, impassioned and inspirational” difference, support your local pro-life pregnancy center. 
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Loyola University produces Baltimore Catholic League pioneer

Last season, Kara Hunter became the first woman to officiate in the BCL tournament.
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Panel assesses Dorothy Day’s impact on church and their own lives

If you met Dorothy Day, you were changed, said panelists at a Jan. 27 discussion following an advance screening of a new documentary, "Revolution of the Heart: The Dorothy Day Story," which profiles the co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement.
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The Wishing Rock

There is no mystery with what God can do for us. After all, he is our rock.
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