
December 18, 2019

’Tis the season to make a photo calendar

Every Christmas our family presents my parents with a beautiful calendar full of grandchildren pictures. Everyone loves the calendar. Everyone except, well, maybe the person who knows the calendar is going to be her responsibility the next year.
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These are the covers of directories of films rated in the 1950s by the National Legion of Decency. (CNS photo/Chaz Muth)

Catholicism influenced moviemaking from the early days of film

As the film industry grew in the early 20th century, Catholic Church leaders became concerned about some of the content that had become so readily available to their flock.
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The well-fought fight

Alas, like many other hymns, “For All the Saints” is an endangered species today, gutted by parish music directors and pastors who commit the grave sin of not singing a hymn in its entirety — or worse, who bowdlerize the lyrics to coddle the sensibilities of the Church of Nice.
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