
June 10, 2019

New York court says archbishop’s remains must be transferred to Peoria

The Peoria Diocese said Bishop Daniel R. Jenky "is overjoyed and elated" that the remains of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen will be coming home to the diocese following a ruling by the state of New York's highest court.
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Gender ideology is opposed to faith, reason, Vatican office says

Catholic schools must help parents teach young people that biological sex and gender are naturally fixed at birth and part of God's plan for creation, said the Congregation for Catholic Education.
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Bishops urged to pass ‘effective’ policies on accountability, transparency

When the bishops gather in Baltimore starting June 11, Bishop W. Shawn McKnight of Jefferson City, Missouri, said he's "hopeful we will have some progress made in moving the football" on the church's response to the abuse crisis by approving several proposals to hold the bishops accountable.
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Holy Spirit ‘brings order to our frenzy,’ pope says

In a world of conflict and division and a culture of insult, people need to live filled with the Holy Spirit, who is the only one capable of bringing harmony and unity to diversity, Pope Francis said.
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