
June 1, 2019

Selling the sizzle at a parish near you

I think we need parishes to start using their ingenuity to get people's attention.
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Leave divisions behind, embrace fellowship, pope says at Marian shrine

At a Marian shrine in the heart of Transylvania, Pope Francis called on Romania's Catholics to leave resentments behind and to embark on a journey of unity.
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En un asunto familiar con acento Hispano, la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore ordena 14 diáconos permanentes

No es ninguna exageración imaginar que la patrona de la Catedral de Nuestra Reina María en Homeland, apreció la escena.
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As immigration deterrent, Trump threatens Mexico with tariffs

President Donald Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on Mexico, whom his administration blames lately for an increasing number of immigrants at the southern U.S. border. 
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Catholics, Orthodox must unite against ‘culture of hate,’ pope says

In an increasingly globalized world where technological and economic developments have both benefited and excluded many, the Catholic and Orthodox churches must learn to listen to each other and walk together, Pope Francis said.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Priesthood Ordination; Wheeling, WV

The Scripture readings for today’s Ordination speak to us of our need for shepherds— shepherds who are sound, competent, and holy, after the mind and heart of Christ. We need shepherds to lead and guide us in responding to our call to holiness, to help us live as the Lord’s disciples in the Church and...
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