
February 22, 2019

Snow days, packing lunches, veggie tray creations, and possible summer destinations (7 Quick Takes)

You have to love a snow day that falls on a Wednesday. I mean, you don’t have to, but I enjoyed having a day off in the middle of the week.
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Send in the clowns

A good comedian helps an audience to recognize common absurdities, inconsistencies and hypocrisies in any given cultural moment. Their real genius is helping audiences to recognize the ones in which they also take part.
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Archbishop Lori supports Knights of Columbus novena underway to pray for success of Vatican summit

In response to the Vatican's summit on child protection and the clerical sexual abuse crisis, with Pope Francis and almost 190 church leaders from around the world gathered together Feb. 21-24, Anderson and Archbishop Lori urged their brother Knights and their families to set aside time over a nine-day period to say a "Novena for...
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Cardinal Cupich asks for new structure to ensure bishops’ accountability

The Catholic Church needs "new legal structures of accountability" for bishops accused of sexual abuse or of negligence in handling abuse allegations, Cardinal Blase J. Cupich of Chicago told the Vatican summit on safeguarding.
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Clericalism, abuse of power, at heart of sex abuse crisis, cardinal says

The abuse crisis in the Catholic Church is a call for bishops to unmask the deep-seated clericalism that placed protection of the institution of the church above the sufferings of victims, said the head of the council of Latin American bishops.
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Bishops at summit consider 21 action items to handle, prevent abuse

Immediately after asking bishops and religious superiors to be concrete in confronting the clerical sexual abuse crisis and the need to protect children in the church, Pope Francis handed them a list of 21 action items to consider.
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At summit, survivors expose ‘cancer’ of clergy sex abuse

The meeting began Feb. 21 with the harrowing stories of survivors of sexual abuse, cover-up and rejection by church officials.
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