
December 5, 2018

The challenge of John Chau

Say what you want about his prudence. I will speak of him with honor.
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Nation’s 43rd president says his late father was ‘a great and noble man’

"Dad could relate to people of all walks of life," he said. "He valued character over pedigree and looked for the good in each person -- and he usually found it."
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Wednesday 1st Week of Advent; Order of Malta Evening of Recollection

In the season of Advent, we await the coming of the Lord – at Christmas to be sure but also at the end of time. Let us not miss the fact that the Lord comes to us daily in his Word and in the Eucharist and in those who need our love.
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Advent calendars: Old tradition and modern commercialism, same message

Today, the Advent calendar runs the gamut from religious to political or sports themes and range from simple to expensive.
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Movie Review: ‘Stan & Ollie’

These two performers epitomized "the show must go on" work ethic, never disappointing an audience, no matter how small. The result here is not so much the belly laughs of their prime, but sublime joy at their invincible courage.
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Greatest gifts

The weeks leading up to Christmas are their own gift, offering a time for us to ready our hearts and consider the enormity of the real miracle of Christmas.
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Everyone’s story

Christmas reminds us that God, as Christ, has entered our world again in person to let us know that God never abandons us, that evil ultimately will not triumph.
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Bishops stymied in response to abuse

We all wanted some definitive answers by now. God willing, February and June – the next U.S. bishops meeting – will bring the remedies that victim-survivors of sexual abuse, and the whole church, desperately need. 
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Time and presence

Pope Francis often tells us to accompany one another on the bumpy road of life. He means that we need to focus, not on ourselves, but on the other. This is what the gift of presence means.
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Retrouvaille deepens faith, heals marriage of St. John Westminster parishioner

In addition to helping his marriage, Lagonigro credits the ministry with deepening his faith. He described Retrouvaille as a “shot of adrenaline” for his faith.
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Ethicist: Gene-editing human embryos ‘a train wreck of a thing to do’

The revelation in late November that a Chinese researcher had edited genes in human embryos and then implanted them in a woman was "a train wreck of a thing to do," said an ethicist at the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Advent Evening of Reflection; Baltimore Area, Order of Malta, Federal Association

In the end, what give us such invincible hope? They placed the lifeless body of the Savior in a darkened tomb. Even there the light shone in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it. Such a light will cast its saving light even in the most desperate situations created by fallibility, stupidity, and...
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