
December 4, 2018

Pope’s white Lamborghini up for raffle; winner gets trip to Rome

The winner gets airfare to Rome, accommodation in a four-star hotel and a private ceremony of receiving the new car keys “in the presence of Pope Francis and Lamborghini CEO, Stefano Domenicali” at the Vatican, according to the fundraising page.
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Southern Anne Arundel pastorate in the making boosts seminarian-led outreach

Coordinated by the seminarians’ Peace and Justice Committee, the Christmas gift-giving program benefits students from Baltimore’s Mother Seton Academy and children whose families are clients of Project PLASE, which addresses homelessness in Baltimore.
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If gay priests, religious can’t be celibate, they should leave, pope says

The Catholic Church has been slow to recognize the presence of homosexual men in the priesthood, which is why superiors must exercise care in helping gay candidates prepare for a life of celibacy or leave the seminary, Pope Francis said.
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