
August 31, 2018

Archbishop Chaput to pope: Cancel youth synod, meet about bishops

Philadelphia Archbishop Charles J. Chaput is asking Pope Francis to call off the Synod of Bishops on young people this October to focus instead on the life of the bishops.
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Archbishop Lori meets with priests to hear concerns, offer support

Archbishop William E. Lori met with more than 100 priests Aug. 28 at St. Margaret in Bel Air to offer his support and to listen to their concerns approximately two weeks after the release of the Pennsylvania grand jury report on clergy sexual abuse.
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How we are squeezing every last ounce of summer out of this vacation (7 Quick Takes)

~1~ Summer vacation is ending. It’s time I acknowledged that. I like to take off the last week of August to help get our sons ready for the school year. But somehow, with school starting on Tuesday, I realize that our school supplies are only 95 percent together, the summer writing assignments are not complete,...
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New superintendent excited about ‘Year of Service’

Encouraging students to reach out to others through community service has always been a critical part of Catholic education. This year, however, helping others is getting even more attention as the Archdiocese of Baltimore has declared the 2018-19 school year a “Year of Service.”
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