
July 3, 2018

When you have a friend in Heaven

“Do you want these left out of the bag?” the cashier says, holding up two bottles of water. “That would be great,” I say. “We need those for the flowers. We’re stopping at the cemetery.”
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‘Esperanza’ – hope – amid immigration crisis

When employees of Esperanza Center visit with children who have been reunited with family members, they ask the children their goals. Overwhelmingly, the answer is to feel safe.
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Another busy year ends for Supreme Court with all eyes on next term

Before all attention shifts to the next session, there is still plenty to review from the court's term that just ended.
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Bishops end border visit calling for urgent reunification of children

A group of Catholic bishops witness the relief from migrants who had been recently released by authorities but also the more "somber" side of keeping children away from their families.
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