
June 18, 2018

Archbishop Lori, bishops across U.S. condemn separation, detention of migrant children

Archbishop William E. Lori joined his brother bishops “and so many others of goodwill in calling on our leaders to cease the current practice of separating children from their mothers..."
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Arzobispo dice que la separación de las familias causa trauma, apela a la eliminación de esta política

18 de junio de 2018 El Reverendísimo William E. Lori, Arzobispo de Baltimore, expresó su decepción y profunda preocupación por la separación de familias como resultado de la política de inmigración vigente en los Estados Unidos. “No hay una justificación racional para que un gobierno civilizado separe a niños de sus padres como herramienta para aplicar...
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Archbishop says family separations cause trauma, calls for end to policy

June 18, 2018 Most Reverend William E. Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore, has expressed disappointment and grave concern at the separation of families as a result of the Immigration policy of the United States. “There can be no reasonable justification for a civilized government to separate children from their parents as a means for enforcing the...
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Pope: Aborting children with birth defects is like Nazi eugenics program

Children are God's greatest gift and should be welcomed "as they come, as God sends them, as God allows, even if at times they are sick," the pope said.
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Bishops OK directives, abuse charter revisions at spring meeting

Francesco Cesareo, chairman of the National Review Board, urged the bishops to "never waver" in their commitment to protect minors and vulnerable adults from sexual abuse.
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