
June 12, 2018

Alcaldesa de Baltimore: tarjetas parroquiales de identificación serán válidas en la ciudad

Baltimore City Mayor Catherine Pugh announced June 6 that she will implement the Baltimore City Parish ID system for immigrants in the community.
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Church praised for proactive response on abuse but warned of complacency

Despite groundbreaking steps the U.S. Catholic Church has taken to prevent the sexual abuse of minors in the past 16 years, a potential "complacency" in following safety protocols could pose a challenge to those hard-won advances.
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The Otto Grotto Rosary Dog Walk

Join Father Poston and his dog, Otto, on an "Otto Grotto Rosary Walk" in Emmitsburg.
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Archdiocesan Teachers of the Year announced

Two teachers were announced as the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s 2018 Teachers of the Year June 12.
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Papal diplomat says U.S.-North Korea summit brings hope for peace

Talks between the leaders of the United States and North Korea are "truly historic" and bring hope for the start of a new era of peace, said Pope Francis' ambassador to Korea.
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Are you called? Signs of a religious vocation come in various forms

Sister Lourdes Marie Miranda, vocations director for the Little Sisters of the Poor, points to signs of a religious vocation.
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How Catholic schools foster self-discipline offers lessons, says study

A new study conducted by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute found that children in Catholic schools are less disruptive and have more self-control than their peers in non-Catholic or public schools.
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