
March 14, 2018

Confessors should seek to bring penitents closer to Jesus, pope says

The pope spoke to hundreds of confessors and other participants attending an annual course on the sacrament of reconciliation
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The day I thought a shooter was on campus

In a split second, the place that we called home could have become one in a list of many: Sandy Hook, Oklahoma City, Columbine, the World Trade Center, the Boston Marathon and now Parkland. It only takes one person with malicious intent to uproot and destroy lives.
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Maryvale joins other Catholic schools in honoring victims of gun violence

Silently and reverently, students from Maryvale Preparatory School pressed red flags into the ground outside their school as the names of victims of last month's Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Fla., were read during a March 14 prayer service.
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Church leaders praise Hawking for contribution to science, dialogue

Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, who said he did not believe in God, was still an esteemed member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and fostered a fruitful dialogue between science and faith.
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