
March 9, 2018

‘Pope: The Most Powerful Man in History,’ March 11, CNN

Narrated by popular actor Liam Neeson, the series debuts Sunday, March 11, 10-11 p.m. EDT
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Archbishop Lori’s Talk – “Your Face, Lord, Do I Seek (Ps. 27:8): Reflections on Contemporary Atheism and Belief”

This afternoon I don’t have to craft a thirty second elevator speech but I have been asked to deal with the vast topic of atheism in forty-five minutes. I can do that adequately but I can at least offer you some reflections so that you can write your own “elevator speech” – your own succinct...
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Wonder and wit: Five years of Pope Francis’ unique turns of phrase

A native-Spanish speaker who grew up with Italian-speaking relatives in Argentina, Pope Francis has a striking way with words.
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Baltimore seminarians spend break serving in Guatemala

The seminarians ranged from pre-theology to those in their temporary diaconate year. They worked alongside the native people in many projects.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily – IVE Mass

In less than a minute, Jesus cut to the chase, the core of the Law, the Torah, with its 613 prescriptions – with all its laws, rules, and regulations. The Lord not only summed them up but he was also the first to link so clearly love of God and love of neighbor.
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Bishop says U.S. prelates unite behind ‘vulnerable’ in immigration battle

WASHINGTON — As the once-feared March 5 deadline came and went, a bishop from the U.S.-Mexico border prayed with young adults in the streets of Washington just before they marched and chanted near the Washington Monument on the day President Donald Trump set as a deadline to end a program that keeps many of them...
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