
December 14, 2017

Loyola Blakefield closed Dec. 14 in response to racist graffiti

Loyola Blakefield did not open for the school day Dec. 14 after racist graffiti with threat was discovered.
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Jack of all trades brings joy to OLV students

Jack Pundt's personal train set collection has become an Advent tradition at Our Lady of Victory School, putting students in the Christmas spirit.
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Movie Review: ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’

Despite the high price of a movie ticket these days, patrons are unlikely to come away from a showing of the engrossing sci-fi epic "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" (Disney) feeling shortchanged.
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Pope: Helping refugees means converting hearts hardened against them

With so much suffering, poverty and exploitation in the world, missionary work must also include reaching out to people whose hearts are closed to receiving immigrants and refugees, Pope Francis told Jesuits in Myanmar.
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Sunday has lost its sense as day of rest, renewal in Christ, pope says

Sunday Mass is the time and place Christians receive the grace and strength to remain faithful to God's word.
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