
January 27, 2017

Cardinal Dolan: If sanctuary of the womb is violated, no one is safe

Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York warned that if the sanctuary of the womb is violated, then other sanctuaries are at risk.
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Pro-Lifers need to talk about it all

With the recent attention to both the March for Women and the March for Life, I’m noticing an upswing in the chatter over what pro-lifers really stand for. The typical criticism goes something like: “You people only care about babies until they’re born!” or “You’re not pro-life, you’re pro-fetus!”This is
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‘Life is winning in America,’ vice president tells March for Life rally

Vice President Pence told pro-life advocates Jan. 27 that “life is winning in America, and today is a celebration of that progress.”
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‘Power of One,’ multiplied: Baltimore Archdiocese joins March for Life

In addition to those who made their own way, about 20 buses from parishes across the archdiocese brought participants to the March for Life.
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