
March 8, 2016

Give fragments of life, not doctrine, says preacher of Curia retreat

“Our heart can become either God’s cradle or his tomb,” a Servite priest told the pope and Vatican officials.
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Hundreds converge on Annapolis in Maryland March for Life; assisted suicide addressed

Christine Hintz, a longtime pro-life activist and a parishioner of Holy Family, marveled at the current unity in the pro-life movement.
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Amen: Daddy-daughter time

‘Woof-woofs,’ polkas and prayers offer life lessons for father of 15-month-old girl.
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When a loved one leaves the Church

The other day a friend mentioned that her mother has decided to leave the Catholic Church to become an Episcopalian. We talked about how hard it is (not theologically, but personally) when someone you love decides to leave the Church for another faith—or none at all.As we were talking, I
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