
December 29, 2015

Movie Review: ‘Concussion’

Neither the National Football League nor the Federal Bureau of Investigation comes off particularly well in the fact-based drama “Concussion.”
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Recipe Box: Black-eyed peas with ham hocks

Typically eaten with cornbread, this dish is a New Year’s Day tradition in the South.
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Renovated St. Vincent de Paul shelter broadens options for families

How does a family end up homeless? “Sometimes it’s an illness or a car breaking down,” said Toni Boulware Stackhouse of Sarah’s Hope.
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Observers say Chinese government-religious relations worsened in 2015

After claiming 2014 to be the worst year for religious persecution in China since the Cultural Revolution, observers in and outside the country say this year saw the situation deteriorate further.
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Good decisions can be made at any age

Making decisions is an art that gets easier with time and experience. But good decisions are absolutely achievable at all ages.
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Our year in review: 2015 in rhyme

It started out well, as most brand-new years do.Rabbits came out of hats, and the homework did, too.There was Catholic Schools Week and we loved it, of course,Then at Chinese New Year said farewell to the HorseAs we welcomed the Goat (or the Sheep?), one with hooves,And our wild celebrations
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