
November 30, 2015

Pope arrives in violence-torn Central African Republic preaching peace

The pope landed in Central African Republic Nov. 29 saying he came as “a pilgrim of peace.”
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Pope in Bangui: Open the doors of mercy, counter violence with love

Put down the weapons of war and work for justice, Pope Francis urged the people of the Central African Republic.
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Product of synod may be a deepening of mercy

In emphasizing mercy as the central duty of the church, the pope is affecting the way church leaders and people in the pews are thinking about family life.
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Changes to annulment process explained

Pope Francis chose Dec. 8 as the beginning not only of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, but as the date for the inauguration of changes in the church’s annulment process.
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Waiting and watching

In the month of December, the church waits in wonder and awe for the coming of its God. The world waits for the coming of Santa Claus. Both celebrations can be enjoyed as long as we keep God in first place.
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Church spreads warmth in West Baltimore

Archbishop William E. Lori helped distribute 1,000 coats to children in West Baltimore.
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Mother Angelica remains on feeding tube, confined to bed at monastery

Mother Angelica, who spearheaded the founding of the Eternal Word Television Network, has been placed on a feeding tube as she continues to battle lingering effects of two strokes she suffered 14 years ago.
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A month of mercy

With our Church's new year's dedication to "Mercy: Heart of the Gospel," the faithful are called to examine the gift of compassion God, our Father and Creator, has bestowed upon us and ask ourselves how we can treat others with the same level of dignity, regardless of their situation. The first
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Last night I dreamed I was pregnant

Last night I dreamed I was pregnant. I was 23 weeks along and I was having a girl.Naturally because I am so good at overthinking, I woke up worrying about how we would need to help our older sons adjust to this news.Of course when I woke up I wasn’t pregnant. And
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