
October 4, 2015

Respect Life Mass: Every Life Is Worth Living 2015

Introduction While in the United States, Pope Francis often spoke about the family. More than once he referred to today’s reading from the book of Genesis which teaches us that marriage and family are at the heart of God’s plan. The Pope speaks with great love and understanding of mothers and fathers who share a...
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Reflections from the road: Feet for Francis Day 1

  Got home from the Feet for Francis/Pilgrimage of Love and Mercy in the wee hours Sept. 28 and had two days to put together a nice, fat 40-page Oct. 1 issue of the Catholic Review. Resting and getting reacquainted with my family in the days since, haven’t had time or
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A birthday idea that takes the cake

Birthdays around here are so much fun—but Baba’s birthday is the best. Everyone thoroughly enjoys it—even Baba.A few weeks ago the boys and I started planning our celebration. We knew Baba had to work for a few hours on his birthday afternoon, which meant we would have time to decorate
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