
May 20, 2015

Pope says parents must not exclude themselves from children’s lives

Parents must take an active role in their children's education, Pope Francis said.
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St. Frances Academy students discuss being young in Baltimore

“Keep praying and keep pushing, and there’ll be better days,” said Myron Turner.
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‘Positio’ for Father Peyton’s cause now with Vatican congregation

Presentation of the “positio,” or official position paper, on the life and holiness of Father Patrick Peyton to a Vatican congregation is the latest step in the sainthood cause of the Holy Cross priest.
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In El Salvador, women who miscarry can end up charged with abortion

Guadalupe Vasquez is one of many women who have experienced the consequences of strong anti-abortion laws in El Salvador.
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The night our first grader decided we should go to a concert

As Daniel and I walked into Leo’s after-school program to pick him up, I could hear a band warming up in the next room. I just wanted to find Leo and his backpack and get home.“Mama,” he said, “there’s a concert tonight at school, and I want to go.”What?“We saw
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