
April 24, 2015

Cooking priest to Catholics in business: Make faith ‘appetizing’

Father Leo Patalinghug speaks at the fourth annual Catholic Business Network of Baltimore dinner.
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‘All made in God’s image’: Frederick L’Arche events bring together those with and without disabilities

People with developmental disabilities gather once a month at St. Katharine to enjoy meeting people in the wider community.
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Pope’s prayer suggestion: Remember when you first met Jesus

In every relationship, including one’s relationship with Jesus, it is important to remember that “first encounter,” that initial, life-changing moment of love, Pope Francis said.
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At annual dinner, Catholic Charities of Baltimore highlights ‘The Power of One’

Catholic Charities honors employee Mary Gunning for her 33 years of service through Head Start.
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Technology helps second-grader prepare for first Communion

Second-grader Taylor Garrison got the best birthday present ever April 12.
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Catholic leaders: Freddie Gray tragedy highlights ongoing need for improved police-citizen relations

“Unfortunately, my students – and even I, old as I am – have been dealing with the fear of police for a while,” said Deacon Turner.
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Pro-life display continues at Hopkins after threatened ban

“Our goal with the display is very simple,” said Andrew Guernsey.
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