
April 21, 2015

Continuing the Search for Religious Liberty: The Contribution Dignitatis Humanae

Introduction Let me begin with warmest thanks for your very kind welcome. It is a privilege to be a part of this lecture series celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Dignitatis Humanae, the Declaration on Religious Liberty promulgated by the Second Vatican Council on December 7th, 1965. My special thanks to you, Father Billy and to...
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Two Archdiocese of Baltimore students among 2015 Disney Dreamers

Kevilyn Frazier, a freshman at The Seton Keough High School in Baltimore, and Matthew Heid, a sophomore at Archbishop Spalding High School in Severn, have been selected as Disney Dreamers.
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Pope: Church is made of martyrs; leaders must respond to victims’ cries

With so many women and men being killed because of their faith in Christ, the church today is a church of martyrs, Pope Francis said in a morning homily.
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Parents of slain child oppose death penalty for Boston Marathon bomber

The parents of Martin Richard, the youngest victim killed in the Boston Marathon bombings two years ago, are asking that the death penalty be taken “off the table.
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Dear People Sitting Near Us at Mass,

Remember me? The mother with the children who couldn’t sit still even for a minute? I had one child who was wiggling under the pew while the other was trying to dive out of it?You probably wondered what I was thinking bringing two incredibly active children to Mass on my own.
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