
November 10, 2014

225th Anniversary Homily – USCCB Fall Assembly Opening Mass

Introduction Suspended above the Basilica portico is an American flag with fifteen stars. It is there to commemorate the bicentennial of the Star Spangled Banner celebrated with much fanfare last summer  here in Baltimore, the birthplace of the National Anthem. When the Diocese of Baltimore was established on November 6th, 1789, that flag would have...
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USCCB president emphasizes bishops’ role of serving family of church

BALTIMORE – Acknowledging that families come with complications, the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops reminded his fellow bishops Nov. 10 that their role is to accompany their family of the church through their fears and concerns.
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Week In My Life: Anything but an ordinary Monday

I’m blogging every day this week for the Week In My Life link-up hosted by Kathryn at Team Whitaker.There are Mondays. Then there are Mondays when your son is turning 7. Our day starts bright and early with our boys crawling into bed, one on each side of us.That lasts
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