A Unique Day There is no other day like this in the Church’s year of faith. This is the only day in the liturgical year when Mass is not celebrated. It is a uniquely somber day that Saint Ambrose once called “a day of bitterness”. Yet we call this day, at least in English, “Good...Read More
The Archdiocese of Baltimore is preparing to welcome more than 750 new Catholics at Masses this Easter weekend bringing the total number of catechumens (the un-baptized) and candidates (already Baptized in another Christian Church) receiving the sacrament of initiation since last Easter to 925. During Saturday’s Easter Vigil Masses, the catechumens will receive the sacraments...Read More
There are many people who gave up lots of good things for Lent. Some of them gave up their vices because it took them away from meaningful relationships, especially with God, and some, because it was good for their health. I can only imagine the number of people who gaveRead More