
November 8, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday

— 1 —I have been overwhelmed with the love and support and promise of prayers from so many of you who read about the passing of our infant nephew and cousin Georgie. To know that my sister and brother-in-law and our family are being wrapped in prayer brings more comfort
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Thanking veterans

There are two times each year when the country is focused on thanking veterans: Memorial Day and Veterans Day.And while there are 363 other days in the year, we choose these holidays to throw support behind veterans. What many would be surprised to know is that there are tons of
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Volt Restaurant is always a winner

The Voltaggio brothers from the Frederick area are cutting-edge chefs with high culinary pedigrees.
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‘The church gave me everything I am’

Dr. A “Skipp” Sanders, who spent decades working for the state department of education, talks about the role of faith in his life.
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