
October 22, 2013

Still misreading Vatican II

From his present location in the communion of saints, Jesuit Father John Courtney Murray, who died in 1967, is probably indifferent to the various ways his work on Catholicism and American democracy is misconstrued in the 21st century.
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Week in My Life 2013: Monday

I could either spend my spare time this week trying to figure out how to make a huge brownie in the shape of Darth Vader holding a red light saber for my son’s 6th birthday celebration—or I could try to give you a glimpse into our daily life as a
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Playing God: Changing genders? The ethics of sex reassignments

In August, the day after he was sentenced for leaking government files, Pfc. Bradley Manning offered America a wholly different kind of revelation: He wants to become a woman named Chelsea.
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Blessed Pope John Paul II and the beauty of the arts

 “Artistic talent is a gift from God and whoever discovers it in himself has a certain obligation: to know that he cannot waste this talent, but must develop it.”—Blessed Pope John Paul II   Pope Benedict XVI is seen here in Wadowice, Poland, with a painting of Pope John Paul II, May
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