
July 12, 2013

7 quick takes Friday (Vol. 19)

— 1 —There’s a bookcase thief in our house. The other day Leo started noticing that furniture is disappearing, so we have made a running joke out of noticing what Baba has packed for our move.“Mama!” Leo yelled one morning. “Come quick! We have a table thief, too!”We all ran to
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Silent saint gets his due

When I informed Monsignor Martin Feild that Pope Francis had inserted a reference to St. Joseph in all the main eucharistic prayers used at Mass in the Latin rite, the longtime pastor of St. Joseph in Taneytown lit up.
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‘Good Pope John’ and ‘John Paul the Great’ slated for sainthood

Two popes with different histories will likely be canonized by the end of the year, thanks to a decree signed by Pope Francis July 5. He accepted the verification of a second miracle attributed to Blessed John Paul II, and waived the requirement of a second miracle in the case of Blessed John XXIII.
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Weekly Wonder Tool: One-Line-a-Day Five-Year Memory Books

I stumbled upon these gems at Target in the stationary section and had to get three – one for each of my children (blue for the boys and pink for the baby, who for awhile I swore was going to be a girl). The journals allow you to write a
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Without a doubt

One of the many surprises of motherhood has been discovering that I am expected to be a dictionary.This afternoon as we were driving and listening to a recording of Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride, I was asked to define a few words. I hesitated for a moment on “careen,”
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