
March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

I. Introduction: Signs of New Life There are signs of new life all around us. Even here in downtown Baltimore, Nature is serving notice that a long and cold winter season is giving way to Spring. After bidding farewell to the beloved Benedict XVI who proclaimed the faith with such beauty and depth, the Church...
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Catholic Review Column: The Forty Days of Lent and the Fifty Days of Easter

Lent is over. Holy Week has been celebrated. Easter Sunday has been observed. Now what? For many the tendency will be to return to business as usual. Lenten penances and charitable practices will be put on the shelf, just the way we put away Christmas decorations. The memory of Holy Week and Easter will fade....
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Joy in the Risen Lord

“Things are looking up,” someone said to me the other day, “Spring is here, we have a new Pope and it’s almost Easter.” I had to admit his optimism was infectious. Even those who suffer from hay fever are glad when the days grow longer and warmer. And there’s a lot of joy about our...
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Haiti service immersion trip

For one week during Spring Break, 10 Calvert Hall students, including myself, are going to St. Marc, Haiti for a service immersion trip. We will be running a Spring Break camp for some young students at Les Bons Samaritains (The Good Samaritans School) and learning about the local culture as
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On Easter, Archbishop urges Catholics to put the risen Christ at center of their lives

Archbishop William E. Lori celebrated his first Easter Sunday Mass as Archbishop of Baltimore March 31.
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Which comes first—Easter or the eggs?

We just spent a fantastic, exhausting weekend visiting with my sister and her family out of town.We dyed a few eggs.We celebrated my niece’s sixth birthday, singing to her at least three times. We fasted on Friday, feasted on birthday cake on Saturday, and the cousins played nonstop from dawn
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In Reflection, Beauty of Holy Week Comes Alive

Often times life’s biggest events are not truly understood or appreciated until we have the opportunity to look back and reflect. Holy Week is an example. During this most sacred time of our liturgical year, there is the busyness of preparation, along with the logistics of planning and rehearsals for our
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