
March 14, 2013

Where Were You?

Habemus Papam! Where were you when those words were spoken? In history’s most indelible moments, people remember where they were when they heard the news. I remember my parents saying they were roaming around somewhere on the campus of Indiana University when they heard that President John Kennedy was assassinated in
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Father Breighner’s column goes to the dogs

Over the last several years, I have been assisting an older lady as she slowly develops dementia. With the assistance of her doctors and lawyer, I have assumed Power of Attorney and Medical Power of Attorney as she has slowly been less and less able to function cognitively.
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Baltimore Jesuits rejoice in election of Jesuit pope

Jesuits in the Archdiocese of Baltimore can’t help but feel some pride that Pope Francis has become the first Jesuit pope.
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Text of Pope Francis’ remarks from the balcony

Here is the English translation of Pope Francis' remarks delivered from the balcony after his election as pope.
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New pope inspired her faith, says Baltimorean who knew him in Argentina as teen

“They’re calling him ‘The Pope of Small Gestures,’ ” Agostina Turchetti whispered during Mass.
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Stevenson president credits his Catholic roots

Stevenson president Kevin Manning credits his Catholic faith.
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Catholic high schools host Austrian students

Seven Catholic High students are hosting seven Austrian students March 8-18.
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Local Latinos find hope in first South American pope

Sarah Rodriguez moved from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the United States in 1953, but has followed the work of a certain cardinal in her home diocese.
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The Squirrel Next Door

This week in art class, we created reverse animal portraits with white gouache on black board.  Patrick painted his favorite animal, and I painted Collin’s.    Everyone has a favorite animal.  Mine has been the polar bear for nearly twenty years, when I saw one maneuver through an enormous tank
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A Great Day to Be Catholic

Since Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI announced his retirement last month, the world was full of questions. People wanted to know why he chose to do something that hasn't been done in 600 years. He said his health compromised his ability to do his job and I can sympathize with that.Just
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Timonium parish is basis of book ‘Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, Making Church matter’

Father Michael White and Tom Corcoran have written a book about how they built up Church of the Nativity in Timonium.
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