
November 27, 2012

Mercy High’s worldview begins in leader’s office

After years of dedication to Mercy High School, Sister Carol Wheeler is set to retire at the end of the school year.
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God gave me strength all along

It’s been almost a month since the tree made its way into our home, courtesy of Sandy. The damage to the exterior structure was minimal considering a tree of this magnitude could pulverize every wall of our house and all of its contents with ease. But in this story, the
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Misplaced emphasis

I wonder about Catholics fixed on one aspect of Church social doctrine (i.e. care for the poor) and focused only on its applicability to government institutions as if they were the answer to the poverty problem.
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“How can you love a child who’s not your own?”

  Every once in a while this question comes up—usually, thank goodness, not within hearing of our children. And I’m always taken aback. I’m not troubled by it just because our children are, in fact, our own. Even if you don’t believe God had a hand in forming our family, two nations,
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