
July 13, 2012

The cult of turbo

                                                The Black Team at Camp Do More 2011         Recently there was an article on Yahoo! Shine listing 7 fitness programs with cult followings.
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How to be a happy housewife (when you’re hardly ever home)

  Like most moms who work outside of the home, I lead a complicated life. I teach high school during the day and college at night. Both jobs require a great deal of take-home work. Somehow, I find time to write. Housework slips away and dirty clothes pile up, but I
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St. Ignatius offers outpouring of support for Nigerian village

Hickory parishioners help a Baltimore deacon provide a well for a town in his native Nigeria.
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Down the ocean, lots to do beyond the beach

See the variety of activities available in Ocean City, MD.
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Photography intern tries his hand at iPhone photos

  Creating good photos is getting easier every day. Not too long ago people were using film which wasn’t too attractive to those wanting to snap a photo every now and then. Today we have phones with high quality cameras and just about every camera on the market is capable of
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A Super-Size of Parenting, Please?

Evidently, McDonalds is NOT the kind of place…for discipline and parental courage, that is.Now, to be fair, McDonalds is far from being the only place where bad manners, inappropriate behavior and whining from children and teenagers are on display. The mall, the movie theatre and grocery stores are also prime
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