After a 12-hour bus ride, Archbishop William E. Lori’s friends and family arrived at St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Roland Park May 14.Read More
This past weekend I found myself in a standoff with ... cows. I was out looking for some interesting things to photograph and I came across a cow farm. I parked the car, grabbed my cameras, and headed for the herd of cows along the fence. They all started walking towardRead More
Is Archbishop William E. Lori the new Roger Ebert? While he's just a day away from being installed as the 16th archbishop of Baltimore, the archbishop's new job might be film critic. According to a news release from The Maximus Group, Archbishop Lori, who is the chairman of the U.S. CatholicRead More
Before we went to the zoo this weekend, I asked our boys which animals they were excited to see. I thought they might talk about lions and giraffes, elephants and bears, maybe even a crocodile.“A turtle,” Leo said. Daniel—who likes birds—asked to see a duck and a goose. Somewhere duringRead More