ROME – Pope John Paul II consulted with top aides about possibly resigning in 2000 and set up a “specific procedure” for papal resignation, says a new book by the pope’s former secretary. The pope eventually decided that it was God’s will that he stay in office, despite the illness that left him more and...Read More
DETROIT – Retired Detroit Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton said he hoped his parishioners would continue to work for justice and peace, as he celebrated his final Mass as administrator of St. Leo Parish in Detroit Jan. 21. “We, as a parish community, must carry on the work of Jesus, and that’s what I pray...Read More
As Michael Hoos stood ready to march on the freezing, winter morning of Jan. 22, he held a sign, made by one of the students at St. Agnes School, Catonsville, which read, “Give me a chance to rock your world.” He said it reminded him of his adopted son, who is learning to play the...Read More
Responding to continuing declines in enrollment and increased financial challenges, Our Lady Queen of Peace and Our Lady of Mount Carmel schools in Middle River will reconfigure in September in a move pastors say will strengthen Catholic education in eastern Baltimore County. The Queen of Peace campus will become the new home for both schools’...Read More
While leaders of the Maryland Catholic Conference were pleased that Gov. Martin J. O’Malley included money in his budget for nonpublic school students, they expressed deep disappointment that he boosted funding for embryonic stem cell research and did not support a proposed abortion alternatives program promoted by Cardinal William H. Keeler. Just one day after...Read More
Throughout the evening, Seton Keough’s head indoor track and field coach Jim Lancaster stood 20 feet from the finish line and cheered for his team, event after event. He jumped, screamed and waved his arms as runners approached the finish line. He believed in his team the Seton Keough Gators.Read More
Top-ranked Mount St. Joseph High School, Baltimore, cruised to another Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association’s Indoor Track and Field championship title Jan. 19 at Prince George’s Sports and Learning Complex, Landover. This was the Gaels’ ninth title in 11 seasons, their first since 2005. After handily defeating their league competition by an average of 40 points...Read More
When Marie Beck first started volunteering at Our Lady of Fatima School in Baltimore 16 years ago, her grandson always called her “grandmom” when he saw her on campus. Before long, other students began addressing Ms. Beck as their “grandmom,” too. The name stuck and that’s how Ms. Beck is now known by everyone from...Read More
WASHINGTON – Despite the fact abortion has been legal throughout the United States for 34 years, there are “reasons for rejoicing,” primarily because of lower abortion rates and increased public opposition to abortion, said Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia. Cardinal Rigali, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, was principal celebrant and homilist...Read More
Hundreds of Marylanders gazed at the colorful Tibetan prayer flags that bedecked Baltimore’s Renaissance Hotel for Catholic Charities annual dinner Jan. 19, celebrating the distinguished service of two of its employees, one of its volunteers and a school full of students who have provided the elderly with enthusiastic companionship. Catholic Charities executive director Harold A....Read More
ROME – Catholics need solid preaching about Jesus, the cross and the church, and not “feel-good” spiritual advice that demands no sacrifice, said U.S. Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan of Milwaukee. Preaching well means challenging people’s complacency and, like Christ, occasionally “shaking things up,” Archbishop Dolan said in Rome Jan. 14. That cannot happen if preachers...Read More
VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI asked Romania’s new ambassador to the Vatican for his help in stopping construction of a skyscraper next to Bucharest’s St. Joseph Cathedral. Welcoming Marius Gabriel Lazurca to the Vatican Jan. 20, the pope said smooth relations between the government and church communities present in the country would contribute to...Read More