WASHINGTON – Lack of federal funding could jeopardize therapeutic advances made in using umbilical cord blood for curing diseases, said Richard Doerflinger, deputy director of the U.S. bishops’ Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities. Doerflinger told Catholic News Service that the bishops supported the 2005 law which authorized funds for collecting and storing cord blood and for...Read More
MONTPELIER, Vt. – Father Jay C. Haskin agrees with Vermont Gov. James Douglas that Vermont should become an “e-state.” But unlike the governor’s “e” for electronic, Father Haskin’s “e” stands for ethical. “Vermont is in a unique position to lead the nation in becoming an e-state – an ethical state,” Father Haskin said at a...Read More
ANAHEIM, Calif. – Youth Day kicked off the 2007 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress with three eucharistic liturgies, 13 workshops and a closing, high-decibel rally at the Anaheim Convention Center. The March 1 all-day gathering, which preceded the March 2-4 congress, drew nearly 15,500 teenagers and young adults from 510 different youth groups. The theme...Read More
The 100 ‘Red Hot Mamas’ who gather at Good Samaritan Hospital, Baltimore, one Wednesday each month know exactly what it’s like to feel the heat. That’s why the women find it helpful to come together for the monthly seminar which focuses on issues before, during and after menopause. The menopause seminars have become such a...Read More
Sue Miller is a champion. A plaque proves it on the Wall of Champions at Good Samaritan Hospital, Baltimore, and her hospital ID badge announces it as well. Attached to her badge by a gold pin, the garnered award reads, “Putting you first” with “Champion” scrawled across it. “I wear it on my ID badge...Read More
COLOGNE, Germany – Remarks made by German bishops during a recent visit to the West Bank have caused a storm of reaction from Jewish leaders in Germany. The Central Council of Jews in Germany and the Israeli Embassy responded angrily to comments by Bishop Gregor Hanke of Eichstaett, who compared the situation of Palestinians in...Read More
Last Saturday I stopped by the Social Ministries Convocation at Seton Keough High School. Bishop Mitchell Rozanski accompanied me in the visit; Bishops Malooly and Madden came by later in the day. This gathering, organized by Monsignor William Burke with the help of a special committee, brought together hundreds of people from around the Archdiocese...Read More
OXFORD, England – A Polish newspaper has reported that diocesan officials and an archbishop ignored cases of pedophilia and sex abuse of minors by priests in the Diocese of Plock, Poland. The Rzeczpospolita daily reported March 6 that Archbishop Stanislaw Wielgus and other officials of the diocese had been kept informed for at least six...Read More
One out of every three people will need blood in his or her lifetime. The United States alone uses 38,000 units of blood each day. Each unit of blood given can help up to three people, and yet less than 5 percent of healthy Americans actually donate blood, reported Dr. Moira Larsen, a pathologist at...Read More
Marylanders are taken to hospital emergency rooms in need of care every day and doctors throughout the state are ready to help save their lives, but that task might be impossible without blood donors. Parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore are calling on the faithful to pull up their sleeves and literally give of themselves...Read More
According to Thomas J. Zabetakis’ address “Illegal immigration should not be tolerated,” (CR, Feb. 15), it is evident that he is unaware of the “total picture of illegal aliens.” While it is understood well that illegal immigrants seek “to escape poverty and gain employment to support their families,” he fails to consider their social position...Read More
Every Friday night during the season of Lent, Girl Scout Troop 1881 from St. Michael the Archangel, Overlea, cooks up faith and fellowship by inviting fellow parishioners to partake in a meatless feast before praying the Stations of the Cross. The troop has served grilled cheese and soup and vegetable lasagna, and will continue to...Read More