I just wanted to say thank you to Father Joseph Breighner for his spirituality columns over the years. He is the most insightful and helpful and down-to-earth writer I have read in a long time.Read More
Father John. J. Kelmartin, a former pastor of St. Bartholomew in Manchester and Our Lady of Victory in Arbutus who taught in several seminaries across the country, died March 7 at Stella Maris Hospice in Timonium. He was 83.Read More
ANNAPOLIS – Sen. Alex X. Mooney knows he’s the man of the hour in the death penalty debate. In the deadlocked Maryland Senate judiciary committee, the parishioner of St. John the Evangelist in Frederick holds the deciding vote on whether legislation to abolish the death penalty will make it to the Senate floor. While the...Read More
ANNAPOLIS – Calling on lawmakers to bring an end to human cloning in Maryland, hundreds of prolifers from across the state converged on the capital March 12 for the 28th annual Maryland Candlelight March for Life. Carrying bright yellow balloons emblazoned with the slogan, ‘Smile, your Mom chose life,’ the demonstrators marched from St. Mary...Read More
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Pope Benedict XVI’s top diplomat at the United Nations said the Vatican wants to normalize relations with China, which it sees as a major way of advancing religious freedom and fostering unity among Chinese Catholics. Archbishop Celestino Migliore, the Vatican’s U.N. nuncio, expressed hope that a papal letter to Chinese Catholics to...Read More
WASHINGTON – “School choice is becoming less and less a partisan issue,” Morgan Brown, an assistant deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of Education, told a group of Catholic education leaders gathered in Washington for congressional advocacy days. The Bush administration “is the most pro-school-choice administration we’ve ever had at the federal level,” said Mr....Read More
READ THE COMPLETE TEXT VATICAN CITY – Catholics must believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, celebrate the liturgy with devotion and live in a way that demonstrates their faith, Pope Benedict XVI said. “The celebration and worship of the Eucharist enable us to draw near to God’s love and to persevere...Read More
The recent article, “Christian leaders call for change in Iraq war policies,” (CR, March 1) urging Maryland Christians to “travel to Washington March 16 and surround the White House” to protest Bush’s “immoral Iraq war policies” is amazingly ill-informed and politically charged.Read More
PHILADELPHIA – Who’s that you’re seeing on YouTube? Yes, it is really Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia. The cardinal is providing video reflections for each Sunday of Lent, as well as for Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter on the free, video-sharing Web site, which allows users to upload, view and share video clips. Once...Read More
WASHINGTON – The damage caused by embryonic stem-cell research goes far beyond the embryos destroyed by treating “a great many women as egg factories, at great risk to their health and safety,” according to the U.S. bishops’ pro-life spokeswoman. Deirdre A. McQuade, director of planning and information for the bishops’ Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, was...Read More
ANNAPOLIS – Dr. Mary Ellen Hrutka prides herself on being one of the best bargain hunters in town. Beginning in the spring, the parishioner of St. John the Baptist in Silver Spring weekly makes her rounds at area thrift stores and yard sales – scouting out and negotiating the best deals possible. Seldom does she...Read More
ANNAPOLIS – When Dr. Mary Ellen Hrutka attended a Catholic elementary school in Yonkers, N.Y., there were 86 students in her class and the faculty was made up almost entirely of Franciscan Sisters of Baltimore. Some five decades later, Catholic education has changed dramatically. Religious sisters, priests and brothers now make up a small minority...Read More