A group of Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore, cancer patients banded together to develop a cookbook, "Cooking for a Cause with Karen and Friends," as a fundraiser to support The Lymphedema Assistance Fund at Mercy.Read More
While many Baltimore-area students were enjoying swims in the pool or other summertime delights during a sweltering early August, the inaugural class at the new Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in Fells Point was getting down to business.Read More
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Can a lesbian couple married under Massachusetts law allowing gay unions obtain a divorce in Rhode Island? That’s the issue before the state Supreme Court, and the decision will be significant enough that the court, in a rare act, invited arguments on specific questions.Read More
ST. LOUIS – As the last surviving member of the Contemplative Sisters of the Indwelling Trinity, Sister Mary Joseph Therese Fuller said she is happy to see that the devotion to Our Lady of America is gaining momentum.Read More
WASHINGTON – It could be months before a New Mexico District Court judge rules on the request of an Albuquerque television station to obtain photos of injured Gallup Bishop Donald E. Pelotte taken by police investigating the possibility that he was assaulted, according to the diocesan attorney.Read More
I was disappointed to read Cardinal Carlo Martini’s public statements about his unwillingness to celebrate the Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal (often referred to as the Latin Mass) which Pope Benedict XVI approved for wider use in his recent Motu Proprio. (CR, Aug. 9).Read More
In Father Patrick Carrion’s family, the religious life was always viewed as a genuine vocation. Growing up, he saw examples of religious life from his uncle, a priest, and his great aunt, a sister. Later, his older brother, Michael, would also become a priest.Read More
Seventy-five Catholic Daughters of the Americas from 17 courts in the State of Maryland got a special surprise Aug. 11 as they visited the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Baltimore.Read More
WASHINGTON – As many as 1,000 family members, friends, co-workers and community members attended the funeral Mass for slain journalist Chauncey Bailey in Oakland, Calif., at St. Benedict Catholic Church. Father Jay Matthews, pastor, was a longtime friend of Bailey and was the main celebrant of the Mass. He said the church can seat 400...Read More
OTTAWA – Catholic and nongovernmental organizations have expressed concern over schools in several Canadian provinces offering a new vaccination program against a sexually transmitted virus that can cause cervical cancer.Read More
“This guy may have saved my life,” my good friend Lt. Col. Robert Dalton said to me as he sat down in my kitchen and placed a book in front of me recently. “What guy?” I asked. “That guy,” replied Bob, a retired member of the United States Marine Corps and Davidsonville resident, as he...Read More