Unscrupulous operators are misleading some immigrants in the United States into false hopes about their chances of being granted legal status in Canada, Detroit-area immigration advisers warnedRead More
The foundation of human rights, democracy, and cooperation among peoples and religions is threatened by a growing assumption that there are no ethical absolutes, Pope Benedict XVI said.Read More
VATICAN CITY – The recent change at the helm of the Vatican newspaper marks an effort to revive a publication that has gone from glory days to malaise.Read More
NORTHBROOK, Ill. – Our Lady of the Brook Church in Northbrook took on a slightly different sound in September, as prayers were sung in Hebrew and the shofar sounded. The parish hosted the Northbrook-based Shir Hadash Reconstructionist Synagogue’s high holy days services in its worship space, after working through archdiocesan channels to get permission.Read More
California faces a tough uphill battle to reform its health care delivery system, but the growing need and the mounting pressure to address the issue may sway the Legislature and the voters to act, said panelists at a recent gathering on health care.Read More
A Vatican official urged a group of Catholic business leaders meeting in Colorado Springs to vigorously defend marriage and family life which he said are under attack by modern society.Read More
In a neighborhood not always associated with peace and harmony, the children of St. Ambrose Catholic School in Park Heights opened the doors of St. Ambrose Church Oct. 4 to find area residents eager to have their household pets blessed.Read More
St. Agnes Hospital will host A Girl’s Night Out (that could save your life), a breast cancer awareness seminar and dinner, at the Hilton Columbia at 6 p.m. on Oct. 10.Read More