It was a most amazing season for the Mercy High School, Baltimore, volleyball team this fall. As the Magic headed into post-season tournament, they had been struggling to find their rhythm.Read More
A shortage of religious and clergy means that lay ecclesial ministers assume more duties in parishes, running religious education programs, designing youth programs and serving as pastoral associates.Read More
Catholics and Protestants in Germany and other European countries celebrate 2007 as “The Year of St. Elizabeth of Hungary.” Numerous programs, Masses, pilgrimages, talks, presentations, conferences, exhibits, even a musical, have already taken place there, with the culmination in November when the feast day of St. Elizabeth will be celebrated Nov. 17.Read More
WASHINGTON – President George W. Bush will nominate Mary Ann Glendon, a U.S. law professor and president of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, as the new U.S. ambassador to the Vatican.Read More
STEUBENVILLE, Ohio – The beginning and end of human life were the focus of Franciscan University of Steubenville’s first bioethics conference, marking the rollout of a new emphasis on Catholic bioethics education at the school.Read More
HONOLULU – The sainthood cause of Blessed Damien de Veuster took a significant step forward when the medical commission of the Vatican Congregation for Saints’ Causes ruled that the healing of a Hawaiian woman of lung cancer more than 10 years ago was “unexplainable according to available medical knowledge.”Read More
At a time when many Catholic schools are struggling to maintain their enrollment, the number of registered students at St. Mary of the Assumption School in Govans has zoomed to 170 – a 40 percent increase from last year.Read More
As lawmakers gathered in Annapolis last week for a special legislative session focused on revenue issues, representatives of the Maryland Catholic Conference urged senators and delegates to consider how any changes to the tax system or the introduction of slots will impact the poor.Read More
Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien has appointed two priests who are natives of Poland to fill the positions of pastor and associate pastor of Holy Rosary, Fells Point, effective Nov. 1.Read More
NEW YORK – Speakers at the 15th annual meeting of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists heard diverse contemporary examples of those following Jesus’ exhortation from the Gospel of Mark: “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.”Read More
WASHINGTON – On the first day of November 2007, U.S. Sen. John Kerry finally gave a roomful of religion reporters the speech they waited to hear from him during the 2004 presidential campaign, when he was the Democratic nominee.Read More
When students arrive at college as eager young freshmen, they are embarking on more than four years of higher education. It’s also the time when they will lay the foundation for what they will do with the rest of their lives. Given that they are naturally asking questions about their calling in life, it’s important...Read More